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"Sekiranya kamu ingin melihat masa depan sesuatu bangsa, Maka lihatlah generasi mudanya... "

- Imam Al-Ghazali -

Sabtu, 17 Disember 2011

Malaysian Student Entering Same Sex Marraige

Ariff Alfian Rosli, a Malaysian Petronas sponsored student has married Jonathan di Dublin, Ireland. The student has been reported missing for the last three years by his family. Supposedly, he should be taking his doctoral in University College of Dublin.
His family has high hopes for him to become a doctor. How that hope turned to disgust when it was found out recently that he had married a gay guy.
Alfian with his newly wed husband equipped with his Malay traditional cloth.
Is this how some Malaysian people act?
Looks as if it the best day of their lives. While his father is suffering.
Waling down the streets with smile in their faces. Hope they burn in hell said one tweet.
Group picture of his new family
Right now he is facing a lawsuit by his Sponsor, Petronas for failing to complete his studies. He has to pay back a total of RM$890,000 to the oil company.The oil company which derives most of its oil from once Brunei Soil of Miri, said that its a serious humiliation and offence to just drop his studies to marry a gay person. Alas, the lawsuit.
If he doesn’t pay it, it will fall to the 1st guarantor which is to his ailing father.”How would I have enough money to pay that much money in my pension. Enough our family suffered the loss of children, we are now faced with a suit, “he said.What we can learn from this is that Malaysian’s landscape is changing rapidly. From an increasing number of crimes to the number of Gays. Is the world coming to an end? Or is this how Islamic Malaysia works now? Tolerating these people out in the streets.
“They should be punished for their act” one Imam said.Lesson here: Focus in your studies if your students studying abroad. Finish it and pay back the loan. Never enter a same-sex marriage as it might results in a moral depletion of a Nation’s well being and respect from the eyes of the world.You can get more of his information at wikipedia Afiff Alfian
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